Thursday, May 27, 2004
About Me
- Name: Jo Guldi
- Location: Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Jo Guldi is a historian at Brown University
boston Britain café culture cities dallas eminent domain Istanbul landscape London New Orleans photos maps San Francisco suburbs
abortion the academy the body culture depression drugs gender film Foucault games Habermas identity loneliness love sex social surveillance therapy women
activism America capitalism civil war currency framing government healthcare intelligence Katrina law libertarians media military networking privacy law progressives security spin
Christians faith gay god happiness Jesus joy marriage megachurches pilgrimage poverty prayer the religious right
Previous Posts
- Walking around Berkeley, California, nothing is mo...
- Xbox Takes Control An IHT: Bend! Stretch! Hold it...
- Links to bibliographies The "sense of place" lite...
- As recently as 1995, old salts sailing around the ...
- Summer reading list: Stanley Milgram, Small World...
- Poetry for sitting in the library: Dunce in Bocar...
- Many thanks to Danah Boyd and Chloe for exhortatio...
- Look round you as you start to rise, brown moon, A...
Close Friends (in Real Life)
Chloe Cockburn
is working for felon enfranchisement from Harvard Law.Simon DeDeo
is writing poetry criticism while exploring the structure of the universe.Danah Boyd
is documenting social change on the internet.Robert Arnold
takes pretty pictures of city life.Paul Freedman
told me five years ago that he was going to build a better freight bike, and that's exactly what he did.Kevin Jones and Rosa Lee Harden
are Episcopal evangelicals fighting against malaria, for a living wage, for gay rights.Anonymous Preaching Stud
is talking about how to be a Christian by sharing love in, not leaving behind, the modern world.Ben Dueholm
is a Lutheran seminarian who does politics.Scott Paeth
preaches the Christian left from a Catholic university in Chicago.Chris Abraham
wants to become the blogging rock star of today's latte-drinking Harpers-reading East-Coast desk job.Brother Karekin
is a punk/monk.Jory Bell
makes things very small and very big.Abby Vigneron
is a quasi-Anglo-Catholic political analystJeff Heer
is designing the visual technology revolution.James
designs with noise and heals through faithRichard Channing Moore
thinks about bird brains when he isn't playing with his hair.Meghana Bhatt
studies how tv viewers respond to political advertisements and what motivates greedAaron Einbond
composes soundtracks for the next generation of systematic genius thinkersEnrique Landa V
is a maker of pants and forger of artSocial Redemption
is where the progressive Christian geeks areThe Christian Alliance for Progress
is working to bring politics into accord with progressive Christian valuesThe Phoenix Affirmations
summarize progressive interpretation of scriptureThe Church of the Advent of Christ the King
is a nice place to spend time in San Francisco
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