Forget food and healthcare. Jesus wants you to psychologically traumatize the youth of New Orleans!

(Re:The Truth For Youth's campaign to send Christian comic books to the evacuees of Katrina)
Just make sure to spread the word, kids. Not only is Mr. Christ *not* present in the earnest expression of love between two believers, but by participating in acts related to that love, you will send your beloved to hell and both suffer within this lifetime from Mr. God's special punishment of AIDS!
Just remember, kids, Mr. God is mean and wants to fuck you up for desiring affection and beauty. He will smite you and set your teeth on edge unless you play football hard and toe the party line. Just like your paster, your parents, the president, and Pat Robertson!
(Read something more humane about what God requires of you, by the ever-lovely Chuck Currie, UCC seminarian)
I gotta disagree, true love waits...
Dude, no contest. Of course true love waits. Of course Christ intervenes.
But every mystic for all of time has made a big deal about Christ being with us through doubt, about the mercy seat, and about our duty to minister to each other. Christ had a ministry of healing entrusted to us. That happens while we're on earth. We don't have a choice. The "abstinence" education programs are about punishing the sinner -- something totally forbidden us by Christ -- not about redemption and ministry. Do what you're called to do in your own life with your own love; minister to other according to Christ's instructions of mercy. Everyone needs comfort in loneliness, healing in sickness, and community through trauma. Demonizing sexuality is not the way forward, as the church fathers well understood for centuries before us.
How cute and funny that a disaster zone full of traumatized people should be the spiritual battle ground for warring proselytizers ...
I'm talking about the Baptists competing with the Scientologists for souls under the guise of "relief" efforts.
How cute and funny that a disaster zone full of traumatized people should be the spiritual battle ground for warring proselytizers ...
I'm talking about the Baptists competing with the Scientologists for souls under the guise of "relief" efforts.
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